When it comes to buying gifts for a man, you can know just how hard it is to get the right gift. Gift buying has never been an easy thing to get right; even for people who tell you exactly what it is that they would like for you to buy for them. With that in mind, then, it always pays to be ready and prepared for what is to come in the future. For example, have you have ever taken a look at the numerous kinds of gold gifts for him which are available? Many people just settle for...
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Out mothers are without doubt some of the most important people in our lives. For most of us, they are the most important. Whether you are your mother’s daughter or a momma’s boy, you will likely hold a unique connection to your mother. All that she has done for you to help you to get to where you are today – how can you properly commemorate all that she has done to help you make the most of life? It’s tough! That’s why when you go for a second rate gift for your mother, you often feel more than a...
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When it comes to a wedding anniversary, most of the time it’s easy to just get by with what you can find. Anniversaries are often a moment of personal enjoyment for both people involved, but it’s common courtesy for others to buy them gifts as well. That’s why when it comes to buying for an anniversary as big as a 50-year anniversary – the ‘Golden Anniversary’ – it makes sense to buy people a worthwhile gift they can enjoy. That’s why we have so many gold gifts for 50th wedding anniversary celebrations. It’s a great choice for anyone who is...
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In case you haven’t noticed. At Mora Approved, we are heavily into Kintsugi. As you can see from the array of Kintsugi guides and how to’s. There’s something about Kintsugi that is very grounding in its metaphorical sesnse, therapeutic in the fixing sense and actually visually great to look at once you have gone ahead and fixed something. Overall, a very satisfying endeavor. And if you know someone who is ‘into’ Kintsugi. You will know that it means a great deal to them spiritually and that’s why something Kintsugi inspired for an upcoming birthday or an anniversary of some kind. ...
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When it comes to buying a gift for our sisters, we can often find it hard to keep things unique. Usually, we know our sisters so well that we can actually find it hard to buy them something meaningful. While that might sound somewhat paradoxical, it’s a common problem that we need to deal with. When you feel like you cannot get the right kind of gif to give to your sister, though, you can often improvise in the worst ways. From buying something generic to something thoughtless, you can do more harm than good with the wrong kind of...
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Since our last Kintsugi article. Regarding the Kintsugi vase. We have had a surprising amount of emails come in asking about how to repair a cracked vase made of glass -- and whether it can be done with Kintsugi? The answer: yes, absolutely. Does it take a bit more skill and care? For sure. But, nothing more than expected. The only difference between a glass vase as opposed to a ceramic pottery vase that we were dealing with is that -- firstly the edges are obviously sharper, so you going to have to be careful. Also, the edges are...
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